Tag: whales

Mass stranding in the Ionian Sea

Yesterday, November 30 there was a mass stranding of beaked whales Ziphius Cavirostris in the Ionian Sea. The first reports came in from Corfu with three animals washing up alive, although two died and the disposition of the third so…

Is the ocean really getting louder?

OCR mathematician Tom Reuterdahl and I have just finished a modeling exercise aimed at determining how loud the ocean was prior to industrial whaling. The premise of the investigation is that while some 50,000 cargo ships are now plying the…

New York Times article on human/whale relationships

This week New York Times features and article ostensibly about our relationship with whales, woven around a visit by the author to the “friendly whales” of San Ignacio Lagoon. The article (requiring a free NYT login) is here: http://www.nytimes.com/2009/07/12/magazine/12whales-t.html It…

Minke Whales harassed by Navy Sonar

Yet another unfortunate event involving whales and mid-frequency sonar; two minke whales were seen “porpoising” at high speeds in waters where military operations were taking place. Observers also heard extremely loud sonar concurrent to the sightings. Minke whales are the…