On Sunday June 28 the Environmental Volunteers Visitor Center will be inaugurating a “Sounds of San Francisco Bay” interactive media exhibit that I wrote and Gwynn designed and coded. We’re pretty happy with it as it gave us a chance to explore biological and industrial sounds and noises in a busy port and the surrounding habitats.
The interactive is a multi-layered – allowing visitors to hear a read about the various critters that hum, grunt, and crackle in the bay, as well as the various human-generated noises, like pile driving, shipping, and underwater communications.
Gwynn crafted a number of ways to dig into the sounds – with information panels, matching games, and animations. We’ll provide a window into this project once it is launched, but in the meanwhile if you are in the area come to the public launch, which will take place between 10am and 2pm this coming Sunday
Call me if you’d like to attend the funder’s reception later in the day.
Great job you two! Interactive exhibits are a great way for people to really visualize concepts that are hard to imagine. The younger generation loves them too.