Human Kindness

With much more than a sigh of relief; I can start breathing again more regularly as the wheels of our Republic start pulling out of the ditch they’ve been stuck in for some time now. But there is much more to be thankful for other than things not happening.
A few weeks ago I was sent a very saccharine video of family dogs and cats completely doting on newborn human babies. Tenderly watching over them, wanting to really get in and snuggle; gingerly patting them on the head with their furry little paws… You know the sort of piece. The phrase “soul treacle” comes to mind.
But I honestly found myself welling up – just witnessing acts of kindness. Then it occurred to me that while many of us have been isolated from our usual social situations, there are many others who, due to their kind hearts and strong souls, are steeped in human kindness.
I have a friend who is a pediatric surgeon down in Santa Clara – one of the first places in our state struck by the pandemic. Her hospital, like many, was not prepared for the onslaught. But the “Makers” community came through and delivered 280 sets of masks and shields for her and her staff to wear.
This was kind of the Makers, but the Makers were also recognizing the deep kindness of the hospital staff behind those masks and shields who we putting their lives at risk to save the lives of others.
And then there are the teachers. Many are reworking their entire curriculum to adopt to screen teaching (one teacher friend calls it “screaching”). But there are others who are showing up in person because it is really the only thing to do. The entire staff at Bayside – Martin Luther King Elementary School here in Marin County, California, are gathering with their students, because in this largely working class African American community, it would be completely impractical to expect these young minds to work from home.
There is a certain selflessness in these actions; the teachers, the doctors, the nurses, the administrative and support staff. Of course they are just “doing their jobs.” But they are also making great sacrifices for the sake of others. This is kindness.
May you be surrounded by kindness throughout the holidays and the cold months of the year; looking forward to a time in the not-so-distant future where we can hold a door open for someone and bask in their smile as they pass through.
Happy Thanksgiving!
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Marti Cate
Marti Cate
4 years ago

Michael, thanks for your observations and insights about the kindness and sacrifice of so many during this uncommon time – I’m thankful for all you do to support our marine world and all its residents, and to support connecting humans to that world.

Wishing you a unique holiday season with much to be grateful for,
Marti Cate