I’ve just filed our comments on the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management’s 2017-2022 Five Year Outer Continental Shelf energy leasing plan. While wind and tidal energy would need leases as well, this plan is singularly focused on oil and gas…
Today the Obama Administration, through the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM), released the 2017-2022 five year offshore leasing plan. Although some areas in the Chukchi Sea were recently put “off limits” due to their importance for subsistence use by…
As promised in an earlier appeal, this is our final appeal for 2014 – and your last chance to modify your 1040’s by a contribution to Ocean Conservation Research. It is also our last chance this year to express how…
It is amazing how many people in the field of ocean science and conservation credit Jacques Cousteau as the inspiration for their love of the sea. Just when color TV was migrating into the American living room Cousteau was offering…
It is with deep gratitude (and a bit of surprise) that I look over the time horizon to realize that OCR has “been in business” for almost eight years. Much has been accomplished since our first clean (but stiff) website…
Earlier this year a paper by Christne Erbe et.al was published in the open source Public Library of Science (PLoS-One) that frames ocean noise exposures in a sensible and informative manner. For various adaptive reasons animals are sensitive to sounds…