Category: Bioacoustics

Ice Seal Vocalizations

The vocalizations of “ice seals”, a bearded seal in this case, use complex tones and wide ranges of frequencies.  Yet some of the simpler sounds created by ships passing through their environment may have the effect of masking their communications…

Report from Kansas Acoustics Society meeting

I’ve just returned from a semi-annual Acoustics Society meeting in Kansas City. These events bring together many scientists, researchers, engineers, and academics who are plying the broad arena of acoustics.. The field of acoustics is a potpourri of disciplines that…

New discovery of songful bowheads

It’s always a delight to learn something new about ocean life. Some 40 years ago whale researcher Roger Payne came to understand that Humpback whales sang complex, beautiful, and patterned songs. Their haunting melodies released in an LP as “The…

Singing fish lead to conservation programs

OCR associate and marine biologist Mario Rivera has received coverage in Costa Rica’s “El Financiero” for his work with singing fish. He is using sound-pattern recognition software to identify breeding aggregations of fish – in this case “weakfish” (Cynoscion squamipinnis) to determine…

Fantastic ocean monitoring website!

Michel André, Director of the Laboratorio de Aplicaciones Bioacústicas (LAB) has developed a fabulous ocean monitoring tool called LIDO – “Listening to the Deep Ocean” that incorporates a number of hydrophones in the Mediterranean, Atlantic, North Sea and Pacific Ocean.…