Category: Featured

Human Kindness

With much more than a sigh of relief; I can start breathing again more regularly as the wheels of our Republic start pulling out of the ditch they’ve been stuck in for some time now. But there is much more…

What lies ahead

In these last months of the current administration, they are hell-bent on destroying all regulations that constrain extraction industries – which is why we need to show up!

What the sea conceals

Scientific inquiry has always been characterized by reaching out into the unknown and illuminating our findings. From Galileo fixing his telescopes into the firmament and Leuwenhoek peering at the microscopic denizens in a drop of water; from the Phoenicians setting…

Those Pesky Corporatists

We’ve just filed our comments on the Administration’s efforts to eviscerate the Endangered Species Act (ESA or “The Act” hereinafter). For me this was a challenge because most of my comments on proposed actions are reviews and critiques of Draft…