Category: Ocean Life

NOAA/NMFS Acoustic Guidelines reviewed

I’ve just finished the OCR review and critique of National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) draft “Marine Mammal Acoustic Guidelines” – a proposed set of metrics to help determine when exposing marine mammals to noise will induce “Temporary” or “Permanent”  Threshold…

2013, A Fantastic Year!

We’re looking back at 2013 with a lot of gratitude for the opportunites that were presented to us and where we were able to take them. And none of this could have been done without your support. With the sponsorship…

Munching Data

I spent last week “hiding out” in San Francisco at an Acoustical Society of America (ASA) meeting. I’ve been a member and attending these meetings for about fifteen years and have seen both the society and the inquiry evolve much…

Even marine invertebrates suffer our noisy habits

Quite a number of years ago Earth Island sponsored a “Literature Review” paper on marine animal hearing we called “Fish Ears” It was presented at the US Navy-sponsored “Environmental Consequences of Underwater Sound” (ECOUS) conference in San Antonio Texas and…

Bio-inspired communication signals

Of the many papers presented this week at the Institute of Electronic and Electrical Engineers/Marine Technology Society (IEEE/MTS) Ocean conference two really stood out as possible solutions to the impacts of communication signals on marine mammals. These papers discussed using…

Shark Week – Sharks have ears too! (2)

In response to our most recent newsletter on shark hearing, bioacoustics elder and fish hearing expert Art Popper contacted us to provide a more accurate pedigree on the understanding of shark hearing. While there was observed evidence of shark hearing…

Shark Week – Sharks have ears too!

It was once thought that sharks were just feeding machines led about by their sense of smell – and that they could smell blood in the water over a mile away. Some of this mythology was promulgated by military training…