Category: Ocean Life

Arctic Soundscapes now on line!

After a pile of coding, and some deep generosity from World Wildlife Fund (WWF), Chris Clark’s lab at Cornell, and the Macaulay Library we are finally launching our Arctic Soundscapes feature on the “Don’t be a Buckethead” website. We launched…

What can animals hear?

While catastrophic whale strandings first brought the public’s attention to the ocean noise impacts, a greater noise concern is the impact of the ever increasing “acoustic smog” from human noise sources. This problem is called “masking” – what happens when…

Ice Seal Vocalizations

The vocalizations of “ice seals”, a bearded seal in this case, use complex tones and wide ranges of frequencies.  Yet some of the simpler sounds created by ships passing through their environment may have the effect of masking their communications…

Mapping Cetaceans and Sound

Thanks to a number of folks in this august group we were sent a substantial article from Monday’s NY Times about ocean noise pollution. The initiating work discussed in the article is a NOAA sponsored meta-data framework on mapping marine…

Ongoing Whale Behavioral Response Study

With as much effort that has gone into understanding how noise impacts marine mammals − and all of the contention that orbits around setting appropriate exposure mitigation levels, we still know very little about which noises (and how much) have…