Over 675 dolphins have been found dead along the Florida to Texas Gulf Coast since February 2010. Initially people suspected that the BP oil spill and dispersant use might be to blame. A report from NOAA corroborates this with a…
Category: Ocean Life
Noise impacts on fish and invertebrates workshop
I spent last week in San Diego attending a workshop sponsored by the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) on the impacts of human generated noise on marine fish and invertebrates. Having watched the field of ocean noise impacts roll…
Tracking walrus’ movement using only one ear
A recent paper was published by marine research firm JASCO on localizing walruses using a single hydrophone. The technique they have refined is detailed in the article and involves assessing “multipath signals” – echoes from the sea surface and seafloor…
Marine Bio-acoustics lecture at Hopkins Marine Station, Monterey
Two OCR events for tomorrow – Thursday February 23: Radio interview: For those in the SF Bay Area I will be presenting a few words on our Arctic campaign on Pacifica’s “Visionary Activists Show” with Caroline Casey Where: 94.1 or…
The Arctic is changing fast, and it’s going to cost us a lot
I’ve just finished reviewing a 1600 page “Draft Environmental Impact Statement” (DEIS) issued for public comments about the five year plan for oil and gas exploration in the Arctic. The objective of the “draft” is to provide US citizens the…
Marine Scientists express themselves through CNN
An article appeared today in “CNN Opinion” by Chris Clark and Brandon Southall focused on the impacts of noise on marine life. It is an informative read and also highlights two important trends in the field. First, it points to…
Marine Scientists express themselves through CNN
An article appeared today in “CNN Opinion” by Chris Clark and Brandon Southall focused on the impacts of noise on marine life. It is an informative read and also highlights two important trends in the field. Read more…
BBC Focus on Sounds of the Sea
Yesterday BBC News put out a feature article on ocean acoustics. I suspect that this is really making the rounds because many folks have brought it to our attention. For good reason too, as it includes some great embedded sounds,…
National Ocean Policy released for public review!
Today the National Ocean Council released their Draft Implementation Plan for a National Ocean Policy. This is fabulous news because the US has never had a comprehensive ocean management plan, we have just been tangled in a web of agencies…
What the Ocean Provides
In the current issue of Orion Magazine there is an article about animal intelligence and the octopus that is worth a read. It is pretty much out in the field of common knowledge that these animals are remarkably intelligent. Most…