Category: Research

Fish (and whale) ears 4

Marine animal bodies are close to the density of water, so unlike airborne sound that bounces off the bodies of terrestrial animals, water-borne sound can pass right through – opening up the question; do marine animals have ways of hearing through their bodies?

2023 Year End Progress Report

As the New Year approaches, it is common to wonder “where did the year go?” But for OCR, oddly, this previous year was thick enough to give us a sense of continuity in transitions, accomplishments, and events.

Field Report from Cook Inlet III

Michael Stocker and Manolo Castellote retrieving the hydrophone moorings in Cook Inlet. Photos by Daniela Huson After a challenging couple of days on the Cook Inlet, we have successfully retrieved the four instrument moorings that we deployed in September at the commencement…

Field Report from Cook Inlet

Despite the ongoing moratorium on offshore oil leasing in the US, there are a few locations where offshore leasing remains in play: the western 2/3 of the Gulf of Mexico, the American and Canadian Arctic, and the Alaskan Cook Inlet,…