Category: Strandings

Oceans of noise

It was a bit over a decade ago that a catastrophic whale stranding event brought the public’s attention to the fact that noise in the ocean could be lethal to marine mammals. The particular stranding was a consequence of mid-frequency…

Seismic Surveys and Whale Strandings

In the last couple of weeks evidence has come forth associating seismic airgun surveys with catastrophic strandings of marine mammals. The Falkland Islands are the site of two mass strandings of pilot whales, one in March 2011 of 400 whales,…

Mass stranding in the Ionian Sea

Yesterday, November 30 there was a mass stranding of beaked whales Ziphius Cavirostris in the Ionian Sea. The first reports came in from Corfu with three animals washing up alive, although two died and the disposition of the third so…