I’ve just returned from the annual Offshore Technologies Conference in Houston, Texas. Texas is known for BIG and this event was no exception: Some 40,000 people from around the world were checking out some of the largest single hunks of…
That nasty oil spill
Field Report from the Washington DC
I am spending this week in Washington DC in response to the recent announcement by the Obama Administration that offshore oil deposits will be evaluated for exploration and production. There has been (and will be) a series of public hearings…
Field Report from the Acoustics Society Meeting
I am spending the week in Baltimore, Maryland with a large aggregation of acousticians – perhaps 2000 folks, presenting papers and conferring about all matters acoustic. (A good collective pronoun might be a “treatment of acousticians…”) The field of acoustics…
OCR featured in National Geographic Online article
Last week after President Obama announced that offshore areas would be opened for oil exploration and extraction I received a call from National Geographic writer Marianne Lavelle. She was doing research for an article published online yesterday about seismic surveys.…
Navy files for “Incidental Take Permit” in the Gulf of Alaska
A few weeks back we submitted comments on the US Navy’s Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) for the expansion of Anti-submarine Warfare exercises in the Gulf of Alaska (GOA). The DEIS, at some 950 pages was very wordy, though we…