Proposed “updates” of federal documents are required every five years to make sure the regulations reflect the ‘best available science.’ Predictably the 2024 “Updates” remain at least a decade behind the “best available science…”
Summary of Atlantic Geological and Geophysical Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement Shortcomings: The PEIS should be reevaluated in the context of the most up-to-date NOAA Acoustic Guidelines. These guidelines have just recently been reviewed by the public and stakeholders whose…
Given their candor in the recent past it is not too surprising that the US Navy their Atlantic Fleet Testing and Training (AFTT) plan will “inadvertently kill hundreds of whales and dolphins and injure thousands over the next five years.”…
As this newsletter goes out the Bureau of Ocean and Energy Management (BOEM) is taking public comments on “Geological and Geophysical activities” of the Atlantic coast of the US, from the tip of Delaware to mid-Florida. This area, along with…
We are closing in on a public comment period for the proposed Northwest Warfare Training Range Complex Environmental Impact Statement (NWTRC – EIS) The comment deadlines are October 24 for the US Navy, and October 31 for NOAA. The NWTRC…
The Northwest Warfare Training Range Complex Environmental Impact Statement (NWTRC-EIS) has been on my sonar for a while now. It seems as if the Navy would like to make the entire ocean a “warfare training range.” While I have written…