Tag: comments

Atlantic G&G PEIS Shortcomings: 2014

Summary of Atlantic Geological and Geophysical Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement Shortcomings:   The PEIS should be reevaluated in the context of the most up-to-date NOAA Acoustic Guidelines. These guidelines have just recently been reviewed by the public and stakeholders whose…

NOAA/NMFS Acoustic Guidelines reviewed

I’ve just finished the OCR review and critique of National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) draft “Marine Mammal Acoustic Guidelines” – a proposed set of metrics to help determine when exposing marine mammals to noise will induce “Temporary” or “Permanent”  Threshold…

Is anyone listening out there?

We are closing in on a public comment period for the proposed Northwest Warfare Training Range Complex Environmental Impact Statement (NWTRC – EIS) The comment deadlines are October 24 for the US Navy, and October 31 for NOAA. The NWTRC…