Tag: dolphins


This week a “super pod” of dolphins was captured (on video) in Monterey Bay. Large aggregations of dolphins occur and are occasionally witnessed when they are in coastal waters amongst vessel traffic.

Dolphin Speak

“CymaGlyph” from Cymascope.com

  When we humans think of language it is typically in terms of transferrable meaning – “this sound means this idea or this thing.” This is likely an evolutionary adaptation incorporating our dependence on visuality and the consequences of time…

Dolphin Speak

A paper recently published in the Proceedings of the Royal Society on dolphin communication got some public attention in Science last week because the studies inferred that dolphins could learn names of individuals in their social group and use these…

Boa Vista Cape Verde Stranding

I’ve just received news from ocean noise coalition member Sigi Luber about a mass stranding of Rough Toothed dolphins on Cape Verde. There seems to be over 50 that began hitting the beach last Tuesday Oct 20. Sigi sent an…

Tasmanian multi-species mass stranding – March 2, 2009

Another tragedy linked to ocean noise pollution: a multi-species stranding linked to seismic surveys. This event involved some 189 pilot whales and 10 dolphins in Naracoopa, Tasmania. For a local article see here: http://www.watoday.com.au/national/stranded-whales-herded-out-to-sea-20090303-8mom.html Tasmania has a long history of…