Back in August of 2014 the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) attempted to mitigate public outrage for a hastily made decision on opening up the US Atlantic continental shelf to seismic surveys by publishing an unsubstantiated puff piece on…
A few weeks ago we put out a newsletter commenting on the candor of the U.S. Navy in the release of their Hawaii-Southern California Testing and Training Range “Draft Environmental Impact Statement (HSTT-DEIS). I’ve just sent in our comment letter…
We have just submitted our comments on the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) for the “Atlantic Geological and Geophysical Activities.” The proposals reviewed in the DEIS are for the exploration and mapping of the Mid-Atlantic Outer Continental Shelf for oil…
This last weekend the U.S. Navy issued a press release over the wires that was carried by a number of national news outlets. The piece anticipates the submittal of a Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) for public review on the…
We are closing in on a public comment period for the proposed Northwest Warfare Training Range Complex Environmental Impact Statement (NWTRC – EIS) The comment deadlines are October 24 for the US Navy, and October 31 for NOAA. The NWTRC…
The Northwest Warfare Training Range Complex Environmental Impact Statement (NWTRC-EIS) has been on my sonar for a while now. It seems as if the Navy would like to make the entire ocean a “warfare training range.” While I have written…
As it appears that the US Navy will be proceeding with the US Warfare Training Range (USWTR) off of Florida, I dug into our participation in the process to trace how these decisions are made. The original 554 page Environmental…