Tag: environment


This week a “super pod” of dolphins was captured (on video) in Monterey Bay. Large aggregations of dolphins occur and are occasionally witnessed when they are in coastal waters amongst vessel traffic.

Fish Ears 3 – Acoustical Daylight

Needlefish at night – photo Umeed Mistry Our last newsletter was an overview of the phenomenology of the sound perception of fishes in the context of lab-produced auditory threshold testing – revealing that measuring the acoustical sensitivities of fishes in…

2023 Year End Progress Report

As the New Year approaches, it is common to wonder “where did the year go?” But for OCR, oddly, this previous year was thick enough to give us a sense of continuity in transitions, accomplishments, and events.

The many dimensions of Infrasound

The term “Infrasound” is a bit of an anthropocentric misnomer; it refers to sound frequencies below human ability to auditorily distinguish. This doesn’t mean that humans can’t perceive infrasound, it’s just that distinct sounds below a certain frequency may be sensed as beats or flutters.

Talking to whales

Is AI really up to speaking whale? “Artificial Intelligence” is is the shiny new toy that synthesizes gargantuan amounts of data and spits out the most likely condensation. For it to work, one needs to start with understanding…

Adaptive Management during the hottest week on record.

The expansion of a fossil-fueled global economy over the last century has driven an historically unprecedented growth in global prosperity, technological advancement, and improvement in life-quality for a plurality of our planet’s human inhabitants. Unfortunately this phenomenon has falsely correlated…