Just last week a paper was published in Frontiers in Ecology and Environment – and explained in Nature’s International Weekly Journal of Science – proposing that noise pollution – and particularly noise pollution from seismic airgun surveys – be qualified…
International conference on ocean noise pollution
It was once a popular belief that the ocean was “the silent realm.” This was largely due to the fact that humans are poorly adapted to hearing underwater, and marine animals don’t appear to have “ears” that look anything like…
A little deeper into the International Quiet Ocean Experiment.
The 2011Internat ional Quiet Ocean Experiment (IQOE) brought together leading scientists and researchers [download] to dig deeper into the issue of human generated noise pollution with the objective of determining what we know, what needs to be known, how…
A little deeper into the International Quiet Ocean Experiment.
The 2011 International Quiet Ocean Experiment (IQOE) brought together leading scientists and researchers [download] to dig deeper into the issue of human generated noise pollution with the objective of determining what we know, what needs to be known, how…
Report from the International Quiet Ocean Experiment
Last week I attended the “International Quiet Ocean Experiment” (IQOE) at the UNESCO headquarters in Paris. The founding premise of the meeting is a bit outrageous – that somehow all maritime nations could come together and halt all of their…
The International Quiet Ocean Experiment
By the time you might be reading this I will have been conferring with colleagues and associates at the UNESCO Headquarters in Paris under the rubric of the “International Quiet Ocean Experiment” (IQOE). The purpose of the meeting is to…