A “legal coup” has just occurred in the US. If we do not act strongly, July 4 2024 may be the last Independence Day we’ll see in a while.
I’m just synthesizing the conversations, data, and information presented at a workshop co-sponsored by the California Gray Whale Coalition and Ocean Conservation Research at the Oakland offices of the Center for Biological Diversity on Monday, April 11. The purpose of…
Long-time colleague and NRDC ocean noise pollution attorney Michael Jasny was featured this weekend on National Public Radio in a brief piece that clearly highlights some of the problems with the increasing noise in the ocean. It is really worth…
Sadly the Supreme Court ruled in favor of the US Navy in the recent gambit on the mitigation measures proposed by the California Coastal Commission. The vote was 6-3, with Justices Alito, Scalia, Thomas and Kennedy joining an opinion written by…
Judge LaPorte form the 9th District courts has approved a settlement on the SURTASS-LFA sonar (Surveillance Towed Array Sonar System – Low Frequency Active). This settlement continues to limit the deployment of Low frequency Active Sonar to certain areas in…
This NYT editorial is a fresh read on the recent movement on the fallout form the California Coastal Commission/NRDC v. the US Navy: http://www.nytimes.com/2008/07/02/opinion/02wed3.html?ex=1215662400&en=bb5b0e615dff8a4d&ei=5070&emc=eta1 While we can hope for the best judgment in this case from the nation’s highest court, given…
In an unprecedented ruling yesterday afternoon, Judge Florence-Marie Cooper constrained the Navy from deploying mid-frequency sonar in state waters. While at first brush this case may appear to be about establishing a balance between national security and the environment, in…
Here we go… Given the current court, this doesn’t bode well. This NYT article ends with a short digression about another environmental case that gives the “whether conditions” of the Supreme Court. Best of luck and Godspeed to NRDC et.…