Representative Joe Cunningham (D-SC) and his Air Horn demo There are a lot of moving parts right now on the proposal to open up the US Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) to oil and gas leasing. The issue has been…
PGS “Ramform Titan” Seismic Survey Vessel After eleven years of effectively blocking the geophysical (seismic) survey off the Mid-Atlantic Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) the shoe has finally dropped. Last Friday morning the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) issued “Incidental…
Today, April 25 2013 is “International Noise Awareness Day.” Founded in 1996 by the Center for Hearing and Communication it was designed to promote awareness of the dangers of long-term exposure to noise – in humans. 1996 was really just…
I will be discussing the controversial Diablo Canyon seismic survey proposal today on Caroline Casey’s “Visionary Activist Show” at 2pm PST on KPFA. Pacifica shows up on various frequencies in the Bay Area and can be found online at KPFA.org.…
In December 2009 seven Sperm whales were found stranded on the beaches of Gargano on the Adriatic Sea. Necropsies on two of the whales found that their digestive systems were choked up with plastic, so the headlines at the time…
Spending the last two days in the company of geophysicists, marine mammologists, petroleum engineers and policy makers was much less grueling than I had anticipated. But the degree of collegiality was uncharacteristic of these affairs – to a point of…
Another tragedy linked to ocean noise pollution: a multi-species stranding linked to seismic surveys. This event involved some 189 pilot whales and 10 dolphins in Naracoopa, Tasmania. For a local article see here: http://www.watoday.com.au/national/stranded-whales-herded-out-to-sea-20090303-8mom.html Tasmania has a long history of…